The African Millennials, also dubbed “The AM’s”, is a Reality TV meet Talk Show with a cast of about 16 millennials from various African backgrounds. The unscripted program will shock viewers with its raw perspective on social issues that plague both the Black and African communities.
The ABS Show ( African Blogs Say ) is a news broadcasting segment with a focus on world news, as well as the latest trends in African pop culture and lifestyle. Dubbed “News with strong opinions” and presented by four dogmatic hosts, viewers enjoy tuning into The ABS show for their witty and unconventional delivery style.
The Best African Foods show is a lifestyle program showcasing the best of African cuisine. The mouthwatering dishes prepared by Africans within the Diaspora, will bring out your inner chef and give you ideas for your next holiday gathering.
Stylish Africans is a show that invites you to get an up close and personal view into the style choices of African celebrities, influencers and high profile individuals throughout the diaspora.
Inspire Africa is a program that showcases the works and ideas of successful and inspiring Africans from all walks of life. The show explores the personal and professional influences of their inspirational figures.